General Dental

At Minlaton Dental and Dentures Clinic we diagnose, treat, and manage your overall oral health care needs, including gum care, root canals, fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges, and preventive education.

Our caring professional team of dentists will work with you to create and maintain your perfect smile.

Preventative Services Used In Dental Care

Individual Dental Plans are an important part of your ongoing Personal Dental Care.

How often should you visit your dentist? Having a clean and healthy mouth is important. It creates fresh breath and a nicer smile. Food particles can remain in your mouth causing plaque to build up on your teeth – this is the main cause of tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing and cleaning your teeth daily removes plaque and food particles and a visit to your dentist every six months for preventative check-ups and cleaning can prevent major tooth problems occurring.

What is Good Dental Hygiene?

Having and maintaining good dental hygiene plays an important role in dental health, helping to prevent dental disease.

At Minlaton Dental & Dentures Clinic we will:

  • Evaluate and assess your periodontal (gum) tissue, including x-rays and review of medical history.
  • Scale and polish teeth.
  • Teach patients oral hygiene techniques on an individual basis.

Why is Home Dental Care so Important?

Good home dental techniques help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Such problems are then less likely to progress into more serious dental ailments requiring extensive and expensive dental treatment.

Preventive Dental Hygiene for Adults and Children.

In the treatment of both adults and children, the dentist will begin by examining the gums and soft tissues and meticulously removing all traces of calculus, this is known as scaling. Other treatments may include removal of surface staining and polishing of fillings. Children’s teeth often require different forms of specialised treatment, including the application of fluoride. Your dentist can often help to prevent decay in children’s teeth by applying preventative restorations/fissure sealants.

Is there any Discomfort?

If you find treatment uncomfortable, it is important that you discuss this with the dentist. Various techniques are available to help.


Free Dental Home Maintenance Report

Brushing Technique

When you brush your teeth you are doing two things, removing layers of bacteria that build up on your teeth and the second is applying fluoride from the toothpaste you use. It is important to brush for a full 2 minutes. Brush with small circular motions pressing gently and working on 2-3 teeth at a time.


Cleans the spaces between the teeth where your toothbrush cannot reach. Regular flossing can assist in your fight against gum disease and tooth decay. For maximum health you must floss once per day.

Regular Dental Examinations

will allow any problems in your mouth to be detected at the earliest stage possible. Many dental problems can now be treated preventively (ie. without the need for injections or fillings) if caught early enough.

Flossing and Cleaning

your teeth daily removes plaque and food particles and a visit to your Dentist every six months for preventative check ups and cleaning can prevent major tooth problems occurring.